To print, click on the printer button at the bottom right of the viewer window, select or click on the desired pages, then select "print". If you are on a mobile device, you may have to select that option in the window.

To see the music, you will have to scroll to the bottom of this page, below the printing instructions.

To begin printing, select the printer icon in the lower right of the viewer window below: When you click the printer icon, the print window will come up. You probably will want to select "Print All Pages". The mouse positioning is a bit imprecise; you may need to click slightly to the left of the box to get it to work. Look for when your mouse cursor changes! Finally, select the "Print" button at bottom to begin printing. You should get at least one more print window from your browser and/or own computer's OS:

Note! I got the best results from selecting "Print Range:", and selecting and printing one page at a time at 106% or 107% scale.

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